L'inizio dei lavori risale al 1959; durarono circa 2 anni e si conclusero nella primavera del 1961, consentendo quindi l'inaugurazione del Club il giorno di Pasqua del medesimo anno.
Le prime 18 buche del percorso vennero affidate al prestigioso Studio Cotton & Sutton: i due architetti londinesi, operando in totale rispetto dell’ambiente, diedero al campo un’impronta tipicamente anglosassone.
Un percorso molto tecnico, con partenze sopraelevate ed una buona distribuzione di ostacoli d’acqua e di sabbia, ricco di pendenze naturali che rendono molto impegnativi gli arrivi su alcuni green.
The Albenza boasts of three 9-hole courses of high and recognized technical standing on which prestigious tournaments are held each year.
Singular is the Club House, designed by architect Sandro Angelini, he has created a building quite different from the rustic-elegant style often encountered in other Clubs, and born of the need to adapt an existing structure to its new function. Here are spacious lounges, a modern entrance hall, game rooms, offices, bar, and a very functional restaurant.
Of particular note is the extensive use of characteristic cobblestone walls and wrought iron, intimately linked to the traditions and culture of the Bergamo valleys. All this has made the Albenza one of the most elegant and welcoming clubs in Italy.
For information and reservations we will be happy to put you in direct contact with the organizing secretary of the Golf Club